The Goldsmiths' Company Jewellery Materials Congress - Call for Papers
As part of our dedication to becoming a centre of excellence for jewellery materials we will be holding a major international conference next summer.
The event will run 8 and 9 July 2019, at Goldsmiths' Hall.
Read how to submit papers here, or register your interest in attending.
Share your knowledge and expertise!
The Goldsmiths’ Company invites you as an industry expert or academic researcher to come and present your work to the first Jewellery Materials Congress. Becoming a speaker means your paper will be published in formal conference proceedings.
The benefit of being a speaker also includes a speaker’s trip on Sunday, 7th July, commencing with an early evening dinner near the Tower of London and a private visit to the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London.
As a speaker, you will be given free attendance at the Congress and an allowance of £400 to cover the cost of 2 nights hotel accommodation.
The Materials Congress is an educational forum where speakers share their expertise with the participants in a non-commercial way.
What is permitted
Commercial papers that promote particular goods or services are not permitted. However, whilst papers must be non-commercial, the names of products, equipment or companies are acceptable provided this is done in a non-commercial way, i.e. there is no commercial benefit gained.
Papers may contain activity going on in their company or organisation, but it should be presented in an educational way. The author’s name and company/organisation are printed in the published paper and our publicity material, website and social media.
Speakers are permitted to place a small company/organisation logo in a corner of their presentation slides. Acknowledgements are allowed at the end of the paper and presentation.
Submit an abstract
If you are interested in being a speaker, you are invited to submit a short abstract of up to 200 words to abstracts@assayofficelondon.co.uk
Abstract: 14th December 2018
Bio and portrait: 5th January 2019
Written paper & Audiovisual needs: End of March 2019
Slide presentation: Mid-June 2019