Robert Grice Awarded an MBE
Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) Fellow Robert Grice has been named in the New Year Honours list as the recipient of an MBE for services to hallmarking law.
Robert, who retired from official trading standards duties in 2006, said he was “surprised and humbled” at the news. “All I have ever done is work hard at the task which was required to be done,” he added.
The accolade caps a 52-year career spent promoting hallmarking, trading standards and consumer protection.
He has been recognised previously for his contribution towards the Touchstone Award, which raises awareness of the importance of hallmarking, and was presented with a Silver tumbler at a ceremony at Goldsmiths' Hall last November.
“Since retiring from the Trading Standards Service I have endeavoured to contribute to hallmarking as a member of the British Hallmarking Council (BHC) and as a Guardian of the Sheffield Assay Office,” Robert said.
“The touchstone of civilised society is that people trade honestly and deal with each other fairly and this cannot be achieved unless hallmarking laws are complied with.
“I consider receipt of the MBE to be an acknowledgement of the trading standards profession, all CTSI members, and the UK Assay Offices for their essential role in hallmarking and consumer protection.”
Noel Hunter, Chair of the British Hallmarking Council, said: “Robert is passionate about hallmarking and has done a great deal to promote hallmarking during his time on the British Hallmarking Council. He also did a great deal to promote trading standards within the jewellery industry.
“Robert is totally committed and very professional. He also has boundless energy – if we were able to bottle it we’d sell it!”

Robert Grice with Goldsmiths' Company Clerk Sir David Reddaway admiring the silver tumbler at Goldsmiths' Hall in November 2019