No price increase for our core services
Following a challenging year, we are very happy to announce that we have frozen our prices across all of our core services. This means there are no changes to the price of applying a hallmark.
There are adjustments only to the price of applying a group trade mark, an individual company's trade mark when struck, and packet processing admin charges.
View price list here.
We are committed to providing a premium quality hallmark and a premium quality service to meet your business needs. In the coming weeks you will notice some changes to the counter area at Goldsmiths' Hall. After an analysis of our space, and the workflow of packets, a new layout for you and our teams is in construction.
Thank you for your custom, understanding, and feedback over the last 12 months. May we take this opportunity to wish you a successful, safe, and profitable 2021. We look forward to continuing to fulfil your hallmarking needs for many years to come.