New Prime Warden appointed - Michael Wainwright

Michael Wainwright. Image Julia Skupny
On Wednesday 18 May, a special service at St Vedast Church on Foster Lane and reception at Goldsmiths' Hall marked the inauguration of Mr Michael Wainwright as the new Prime Warden of the Goldsmiths' Company.
The Prime Warden changes annually, and Mr Wainwright succeeds Tim Schroder. He is Managing Director of British luxury jewellery retailer Boodles.
Michael spoke at our Make Your Mark event in 2015, and will present again at the event in November this year.
He describes himself as “passionately commercial” and believes in getting the best out of the market. He has spoken about his desire to improve the business and leadership skills of jewellers and silversmiths, and certainly our event, which runs exclusively for students, is the ideal arena in which to inspire those who wish to grow to fulfil their potential.