Message from Deputy Warden of The Goldsmiths’ Company Assay Office 07.05.20
We know that lack of access to hallmarking has been a significant concern for many of our valued customers. After careful assessment of the advice from Government, including the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), I am pleased to let you that we will be partially reopening the Assay Office at Goldsmiths’ Hall from Wednesday 13 May for packet collection only.
We have undertaken a full risk assessment, and fully comply with Government advice. And, those returning to work at the Hall will have their safety needs met; temperatures checks, cleaning kits provided, spaced benches, and mapped routes around the building.
From Wednesday 13 May:
- We will process the backlog of articles we received pre-lockdown
- Packets can be collected from the counter at the Hall between the hours of 10am and 1pm. All packets due for collection at Greville Street have been transferred to the Hall. We are accepting card payments only.
We will continue to review the situation and contact you again once we have been able to review how we are getting on and whether or not we are able to extend our services to customers beyond packet collection from Goldsmiths’ Hall.
Reduced staff and a reduced service does of course mean that the pace will continue to be different for some time. I ask you to remain patient with us, and check your packet progress online – I’m sorry that we still can’t accept calls due to staff being furloughed.
I would like to thank you for your understanding and consideration for our teams during what we know is an incredibly stressful time for everyone. We have received messages of support which we have all very much appreciated and enjoyed reading.
I would also like to thank the Assay Office team members who have offered to drive into work at the Hall next week. Their health and safety remains paramount.
I shall continue to review and follow the guidelines and advice provided by the Government and will keep you informed.
Dr Robert Organ
Deputy Warden, Goldsmiths' Company Assay Office