Hidden Treasures: Presentation Painting and Design for the Jewellery Industry
Dates & times: Thursday 7, Friday 8, Thursday 14 & Friday 15 June 2018, 10am – 4pm
Price: £299
Venue: Design Space
Be part of a 4-day short course that takes you on a journey of jewellery design from the creation of embryonic idea to a presentative image. Led by freelance multi award-winning designer of jewellery and objet d’art, Jennifer Bloy FRSA FIPG, it will introduce you to the concepts of jewellery design and some of the processes needed along the way. Ideal for emerging to established jewellery designers and craftspeople.
Image: Jennifer Bloy FRSA FIPG, Designer of Jewellery, Silverware & Objet d’Art © Sarah Ainslie, The Goldsmiths’ Centre, 2018