Great XII Golf Competition, Fishmongers Hook the Cup
Every Year the Great Twelve Livery Companies hold a golf tournament for their Freemen and Liverymen.
This month, Dave Puckett, who works in the Heathrow sub-office, represented the Goldsmiths' Company in the competition at The New Zealand Golf Course, Surrey. He has an impressive handicap of 19 and was very keen to take part again after first taking part last year.
This year the competition was won by the Fishmongers' Company, and we were runners up taking second place.
Dave said "It was a great day - and the chance to meet people from the other Livery Companies was excellent. I'd like to thank the Company and the Deputy Clerk for having me on the team, and of course for having the chance to improve our position on last year!"
Read some background about Livery Companies here on the City Of London website, and here on the Goldsmiths' Company website.
If you are a Freeman or Liveryman and would be interested in attending events such as these, please contact us.

Dave pictured second from left with Liveryman Tom Nalder, and Freemen Frank Wood and Andrew Macgowan who represented the Goldsmiths' Company.