Corona Virus Contingencies
The Goldsmiths’ Company Assay Office is mindful of the current outbreak of Covid-19 and the strain it is placing on our customers. We will do our utmost to remain open and are following Government advice regarding the situation.
At the moment we can envisage two contingencies that may result in a full shut down of the Goldsmiths’ Company Assay Office. These are:
- Assay Office staff contract the virus
- Full nationwide lockdown & travel restrictions
We ask that customers do not send work into Assay if the items have come into contact with anyone who has, or is showing symptoms of, Covid-19. Government guidelines state that the virus can live up to around 72 hours when it is felt the risk from any contaminated surface would significantly decrease. Therefore please wait for this period to lapse before sending items that could potentially be contaminated.
Staff members are at high risk with numerous packets transferred to us every day. As a precautionary measure for our staff, we will no longer accept cash from Monday (16th March.)
We are taking measures to prevent staff from contracting the virus, including self-isolation, hand washing and following regular governmental advice. In the case of a member of staff contracting the virus, we will shut down operations at the infected site.
We operate out of three sites: Goldsmiths’ Hall, Greville Street and Heathrow. This will allow us to continue functioning, at a limited capacity, if one or more of our sites are forced to shut.
If this happens, there will be a suspension of premium services and money back guarantees. In the case of Goldsmiths’ Hall and Greville Street shutting down – packets will need to be sent to the Hall and will be delivered to Heathrow. We understand the need to stay open, and we will do everything in our power to do so.
In the eventuality of a nationwide lockdown, all Assay Office services will be suspended. We understand the strain this may place on your business and will do all we can to return to work when it is deemed safe.
Please consider that response times may soon be affected, and delays will most likely go into effect. This is an ever-changing situation and service levels may be impacted in coming days. Customers are advised to make sure they have stored an up to date email address in their online Account area. Check emails from us, information here in the online News area, and our social media feeds for latest details.
We thank you for your consideration and will continue to inform you of any developments.