Congratulations Alex and Primula!

Alex and Prim in the Drawing Room at Goldsmiths' Hall
Congratulations to two of the Assay Office team - Alex Palmer and Primula Thomas who received their long service awards today.
Both Alex and Prim started work for the Goldsmiths' Company in 1999 at Goldsmiths' Hall, with Alex moving to the Greville Street sub-office in 2006 where he has worked on the counter since. He said "I've loved working in Hatton Garden because it is the vibrant centre of the trade, and you can sense a real community atmosphere there. I've really enjoyed having the opportunity of learning how to make jewellery while I've been based in the heart of the jewellery quarter."
Prim has always worked in the CPC area (Customer Packet Control) and spoke fondly of the early 2000's when she worked with her friends Sybil, Carol, Andy, Ian, Debra and Karen: "It's my colleagues who have given me the best memories - it's been a pleasure working for the Goldsmiths' Company Assay Office and I've really enjoyed my job!"
They were presented with their silver cups designed by Jocelyn Burton by the Prime Warden.