Assay Office team takes part in Tour De City 2021
Assay Office staff - Will Evans, General Manager (left) and Adam Phillips, Customer Service Manager (right) joined forces with colleagues from The Goldsmiths' Company to take place in the Tour de City Wattbike challenge for this year's City Giving Day, an initiative that forms part of the Lord Mayor's Appeal.
Our team competed against rival City companies and came 8th out of 25 teams.
The challenge saw teams competing in a 40-minute race, divided into five 8-minute slots at The Leadenhall Building, on Tuesday 21 September.
The Lord Mayor’s Appeal aims to bring together businesses employees neighbouring communities, and charities to find solutions to some of London’s most pressing societal issues and create a better City for all. It raises funds to support charities which deliver projects that support its objectives for the City. The Wardens of the Goldsmiths' Company donated £500 from The Goldsmiths' Company Charity to the cause.