Assay Office Team Member Recognized at Goldsmiths’ Craft and Design Council Awards
An Assay Office staff member's incredible work was displayed at last night’s 'Jewellery Oscars'.
Specialist Laser Technician Julie Ann Bull used her expert knowledge of laser cutting to create the "Masterpiece Hallmark". This is the working name given to the 10mm tall, incredibly detailed hallmark, applied by laser. The mark has been applied on a pentagonal Grant Macdonald paperweight. Each of the five side panels bears one mark of the Full UK Traditional hallmark elements. Only four weights were created as commemorative gifts for key members of the Assay Office, past and present.
Last year Julie was also awarded when she won a bronze award in the (3D) Design Technological Innovation category for a wedding band.

She is no stranger to the awards having been recognized in 2005, 2006, 2008, 2013 and 2014. She says “The sense of pride I feel having my work sit alongside the best examples of craftsmanship is such a thrill. This is the seventh year my work has been exhibited, and I will continue to enter the Awards! It's a pleasure to work with the newest technology available, and if we don't embrace that new technology we will surely get left behind."
Dr Robert Organ said “The expertise of our individuals combines to make a formidable team. This talent is the keystone of our authority, position and professionalism as it enables us to constantly develop our offer to the trade. I am very proud of Julie.
Pushing forward with the development of this laser hallmark is another example of the way in which the London Assay Office does not rest on its laurels and strives to continuously improve the quality of its already prestigious hallmark!"
The Masterpiece hallmark will be launched later this year, more pictures will be released in the coming months - watch this space! Read more about Our People.