Annual Punch Grind 2018
Two members of the Court of Assistants joined us in our workshop this month.
Cassandra Goad, and Vicky Broakes helped to grind the date letters from punches which remained from 2017 and bore the corresponding date letter "s".

Detail is ground off the punch
To retain the full provenance of the hallmark we can never back-date pieces and thus, they must be destroyed each year.
Although the date letter isn't a compulsory part of the hallmark, it is part of the Full Traditional UK Hallmark, which we apply as standard.
2018 is represented by a lowercase letter "t", and 2019 will be lowercase "u".

Cassandra Goad, and Vicky Broakes examine marking plates in the workshop with Pat.

Ground off, no detail, blank punch ready to be recut as 2019 punch